Struggling to forecast accurately?
Meet Scotty.
(coming soon)
Proactive forecast alerts
Tired of looking in CRM for the right report? Scotty delivers the news to you.
Get weekly updates on where you stand versus your target using Qualitative Deal Score weighting. This isn’t your regular weighted forecast by sales stage. It’s different because:
- It is based on QUALITY of the information on the Opportunity (i.e. things like MEDDIC, Gap Selling, SPICED or other key business case fields)
- It’s based on your historical win rates for deals with a similar score, grouped by Red, Yellow, and Green labels.
Actionable path to hit quota
It’s one thing to get the new. And another… to help make it. Scotty gives you the optimal path to hitting your target using each opportunity’s Qualitative Deal Score.
Increase each opportunities chance of closing by helping reps uncover the information behind why the buyer will move forward. The Noted CRM module provides a tight feedback loop between Managers and Sales Reps to share feedback on what this rep needs to do to improve the deal.
As sales rep update the deal with better information. The deal score goes up. Your forecast goes up. And your confidence goes up, because you know why!
Want to learn more?
Scotty is changing our sales teams proactively manage their pipeline and forecast. Click below to speak with an expect on what Scotty can do for you.